Mature individuals

美 [məˈtʃʊr ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒəwəlz]英 [məˈtʃʊə(r) ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz]
  • 网络成熟个体
Mature individualsMature individuals
  1. Cloning and Expression Analysis in Mature Individuals of Salmon Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone ( sGnRH ) Gene in Common Carp


  2. A Single Stage-structured Population Model with Mature Individuals in a Polluted Environment and Pulse Input of Environmental Toxin


  3. Mature individuals may spawn 4-5 oocysts during the whole life and the amount of eggs of each oocyst vary from dozens to hundreds .


  4. Males larger than 55 mm SVL ( snout-vent length ) and females larger than 50 ram SVL were considered as the sexually mature individuals .


  5. By this we mean our set of strategies developed to virtually guarantee that enquirers at your stand are genuine potential customers i.e. mature individuals with the appropriate means , and all this means that you maximise quality contact with potential customers .


  6. There are positive correlation in the size and weight of the ovary with the weight of the spider 's body . The sexual gland exponent of the spider is changing with the oocyte developing but not with the size of the mature individuals .


  7. In a mature organization , responsible individuals perform repeatable workforce practices as ordinary and expected requirements of their positions .
